The Code of Ethics for the Cape Bullmastiff Club is preceded by Schedule 9 of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa which is inviolate for all members holding a Kennel Union of Southern Africa membership.Also included within this Code of Ethics is the total adherence to the Constitution of the Cape Bullmastiff Club with emphasis on Paragraph 5.All Bullmastiff owners and / or breeders are expected to or adhere to the following:
1. Provide their dog/s with suitable housing / accommodation. This can range from fully weather proofed and enclosed kennels outside in the garden or in a compound area to ‘paw pads’ in the bedroom. They must be warm, dry and kept clean at all times.
2. Provide suitable nutrition and clean water at all times.
3. Strict hygiene with daily removal of faeces and rinsing down of urine contaminated areas in kennels / gardens.
4. Provide fly, tick and flea control for their dogs.
5. Veterinary care at all times is essential for the health and welfare of the dog. Any member who knowingly or deliberately withholds essential veterinary care in a time of crises / need will loose their membership with immediate effect.
6. A suitably accepted form of identification such as micro-
7. There will be no ear cropping or tail docking unless under veterinary supervision for a valid reason (e.g.: injury).
8. Dew claws may be removed under Veterinary supervision if so desired so as to prevent injuries. This should be done within the first three days of life.
9. De-
10. Any form of controlled dog fighting is forbidden. Dog’s within the same family that show aggression to each other should be managed separately.
11. Refrain from selling any Bullmastiff to a ‘dog fighting’ syndicate.
12. Any exercise areas or garden should be adequately in size and fenced and secure to prevent dogs from leaving the property and either being a nuisance to others or placing themselves in danger.
13. It is recommended that the dogs, even if kenneled, are part of the family structure and are nurtured as such.
14. Exercise, socialisation and training to enable the dog to be a fully functional creature within the human society are highly recommended.
15. When off the owner’s property the dog/s should be under control at all times, preferably on leads and should never be a public nuisance.
16. Children who are too young and not strong enough to control an adult Bullmastiff should not be left alone without supervision.
17. Never knowingly or willingly permit cross breeding or breeding to unregistered dogs.
18. All stud dogs and brood bitches should be x-
19. No breeding should be undertaken without the correct motive, adequate knowledge and facilities to care for the bitch in whelp and later her puppies.
20. No stud owner should use his / her dog without confirming this (19).
21. The phenotype, genotype, mental health and working ability of the dam and sire are paramount considerations within a breeding programme.
22. It is highly recommended that a CBA, (Character and Breed Assessment), DMA (Dog Mentality Assessment) or APT (Aptitude) test to determine the temperament of the dog / bitch be performed prior to breeding.
23. Bullmastiffs that have uncontrolled aggression or whom react aggressively when unprovoked should be avoided in breeding programmes.
24. A SAVA certified Eye Clearance certificate for hereditary eye disease is highly recommended.
25. These results must be made known to any potential purchasers’ along with the HD and ED ratings.
26. If these ratings are between D1 and E2 then extra special care should be used in selecting an A1 graded partner and then it is recommended that breeding restrictions are placed on the puppies until cleared by their X-
27. Any other known hereditary faults carried within a breeding line should be assessed and managed accordingly with special attention given to temperament.
28. No bitch should be bred intent ally before her third oestrus or 18 months of age and she should be in peak health with all inoculations up to date before any mating.
29. Nor should she be bred beyond the age of 7 years unless cleared by a veterinarian.
30. Litters at every oestrus are not recommended.
31. No breeding of either dam or sire should be considered or performed with intent and knowledge before maturity at 18 months.
32. An elective caesarean section should never become the norm. Veterinary advice should be sought in all cases of obstetric difficulty.
33. Puppy farming: As there are many definitions of what ‘Puppy Farming’ is, it is recommended that should a breeder have more than one bitch in his name that any one bitch should only have one litter a year. (Refer to KUSA and SPCA policies)
34. However, no breeder, no matter how many bitches he may own, should have more than 3 litters a year.
35. Every breeder, of both the dam and sire, remains responsible and totally accountable for litters born from their stock.
36. The breeder is responsible for the identification and registering of the litter with KUSA and is advised to draw up a contract stating whether there are any conditions to the sale of the pups e.g.; breeding restrictions.
37. Whereas innocent or unknown problems can and do occur in a litter, such repeat matings should then be avoided and all the problems managed accordingly.
38. Any known mistreatment or malpractice in any instance should be reported to the Honorary Secretary immediately and should it be proved as such, that particular member will loose his / her membership with immediate effect and be reported to the relevant authorities for further action.
39. Members are not to knowingly sell puppies to any commercial outlet or experimental laboratory.
40. No puppy should be released to its new owner before the 7th week of life and then only with the relevant inoculation, deworming and certification.
41. The KUSA registration papers should be sent on to the new owners as per the registration capabilities of the KUSA as soon as available.
42. No breeder should export puppies to any country where there are no animal protection acts in place specifically in respect of dog fighting and where there is known consumption of dogs by humans.
43. If the breeder needs aid with the sale of puppies then s/he may request the club for referrals. No one breeder will be given preference over the other.
44. Private advertising may be done within the confines of this Code.
45. The breeder is expected to keep adequate details of each litter and its antecedents and inform the Club of the necessary particulars for record purposes.
46. Should either dam or sire be on long term medication (e.g.: for Spiro circa Lupe or heartworm) then this should be made known to all relevant parties at mating and procurement of the puppies.
47. A breeder is expected to follow up her clients and aid with any problems and in the event of a dog that needs re-
48. A breeder is expected to provide details of diet and grooming to new owners.
49. A good screening programme for new owners is recommended to avoid any pit falls.
50. No owner should knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the breed, nor falsely advertise his dog or mislead any person regarding the potential, performance, quality or health of his Bullmastiff.
51. All Club members will conduct themselves within the ambient of GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP and refrain from disparaging remarks about fellow enthusiast in public.